
I have a broad range of research interests around a fascinating topic: PEOPLE! People as employees, as workers or as antrepreneurs, people as consumers on different markets, and people as decision makers in general. 

The main focus of my research is related to interventions in organisations to increase wellbeing and service performance. I use a wide range of methods, both quantitative (experimental design, diary study, multilevel interventions) and qualitative (interviews, focus groups). Other research interests include service dynamic wellbeing at work, safety interventions, working conditions and digitalisation.

Lately, due to my consultancy experience, I took an interest in implementation of people analytics service and its impact on the organisation. 


This competitive project aims to analyze the reciprocal relationships (bidirectional influence) between well-being (both general and work-related) and job performance, taking into account the moderating role of female leadership. The project is carried out together with researcher from University of Valencia, and BSM – Pompeu Fabra and it financed by Generalitat Valenciana. 


The increasing reliance on digital technology exposes businesses to cybersecurity risks. Interns, with significant system access but limited cybersecurity awareness, may pose vulnerabilities. This study assesses interns’ cybersecurity culture—knowledge, behavior, and attitude—examining company policies, training, and device flexibility. Project developed together with Dr. Alex Vallejo, from ESIC Business & Marketing School. 

Consumer Behaviour &
Social networks

This research explores how social networks influence consumer behavior, focusing on the psychological mechanisms driving decision-making It analyses how trust, group identity, and emotional engagement shape purchasing choices. Insights will help businesses optimize marketing strategies and enhance consumer engagement in digital environments.

Woman using smartphone for online shopping with credit card in hand, festive background lighting.

Human Resources in Social Economy Entreprises

Strategic business management is shifting beyond economic profit to include worker well-being and environmental care, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project frames HR management within sustainability and CSR, emphasizing gender and age inclusion in social economy organizations, particularly cooperatives, using the Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit) approach. 

Full list of publications:

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